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There are 20 nine-letter words containing A, B, S, T and V

ABLATIVESablatives n. Plural of ablative.
ABLATIVE n. a grammatical case indicating direction from or time when.
ABSOLVENTabsolvent adj. (Rare) Absolving.
absolvent n. (Rare) An absolver.
ABSOLVENT n. something that absolves.
AMBIVERTSambiverts n. Plural of ambivert.
AMBIVERT n. someone who is both extroverted and introverted.
BEVATRONSbevatrons n. Plural of bevatron.
BEVATRON n. a proton accelerator.
BIVALENTSbivalents n. Plural of bivalent.
BIVALENT n. a pair of chromosomes, also DIVALENT.
BLOVIATESbloviates v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of bloviate.
BLOVIATE v. to speak pompously.
BREVIATESbreviates n. Plural of breviate.
BREVIATE n. a lawyer's brief.
OBSERVANTobservant adj. Alert and paying close attention; watchful.
observant adj. Diligently attentive in observing a law, custom, duty or principle; regardful; mindful.
Observant n. A member of a Franciscan order that strictly observes the rules of St. Francis.
OBVIATORSobviators n. Plural of obviator.
OBVIATOR n. one who obviates.
OUTBRAVESoutbraves v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of outbrave.
OUTBRAVE v. to surpass in courage.
OVERBEATSoverbeats v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overbeat.
OVERBEAT v. to beat too much.
SUBCAVITYsubcavity n. A cavity within a larger one.
SUBCAVITY n. a subordinate cavity.
SUBOCTAVEsuboctave n. (Music) The octave below another.
suboctave n. (Obsolete) An eighth part.
suboctave adj. (Obsolete) In the proportion of 1 to 8.
VANTBRASSvantbrass n. Obsolete form of vambrace.
VANTBRASS n. (Milton) armour for the forearm, also VAMBRACE, VANTBRACE.
VARTABEDSvartabeds n. Plural of vartabed.
VARTABED n. a member of an Armenian order of clergy.
VERBALISTverbalist n. One who possesses verbal or oratorical skill.
verbalist n. One who favours words or the wording of something over its meaning or the idea behind it.
VERBALIST n. a person dealing in or concentrating on mere words rather than reality or meaning.
VERTEBRASvertebras n. Plural of vertebra.
VERTEBRA n. (Latin) a component of the vertebral column, or backbone, found in vertebrates.
VESTIBULAvestibula n. Plural of vestibulum.
VESTIBULUM n. (Latin) a cavity into which, in certain bryozoans, the esophagus and anus open.
VIBRATORSvibrators n. Plural of vibrator.
VIBRATOR n. a type of dildo that can be made to vibrate.
VISITABLEvisitable adj. Capable of being visited.
visitable adj. Enjoyable to visit; attractive to visitors.
VISITABLE adj. capable of being visited; worth visiting.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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