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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 14 twelve-letter words containing A, C, E, G, T and X

DETOXICATINGdetoxicating v. Present participle of detoxicate.
DETOXICATE v. to rid of a poison or the effects of it.
EPEXEGETICALepexegetical adj. Relating to epexegesis.
EPEXEGETICAL adj. providing additional explanation or clarification, also EPEXEGETIC.
EXACERBATINGexacerbating v. Present participle of exacerbate.
exacerbating adj. That exacerbates.
EXACERBATE v. to make more violent, bitter, or severe.
EXACTINGNESSexactingness n. The state of being exacting.
EXACTINGNESS n. the state of being exacting.
EXCOGITATINGexcogitating v. Present participle of excogitate.
EXCOGITATE v. to discover by thinking out or reasoning.
EXCOGITATIONexcogitation n. Careful thought or consideration.
EXCOGITATION n. the act of excogitating.
EXCOGITATIVEexcogitative adj. Relating to excogitation.
EXCOGITATIVE adj. relating to excogitation.
EXCOGITATORSexcogitators n. Plural of excogitator.
EXCOGITATOR n. one who excogitates.
EXCRUCIATINGexcruciating adj. Causing great pain or anguish, agonizing.
excruciating adj. Exceedingly intense; extreme.
EXCRUCIATE v. to inflict intense pain on.
EXEGETICALLYexegetically adv. In an exegetic manner.
EXEGETICAL adv. pertaining to exegesis, expository, also EXEGETIC.
EXTRALOGICALextralogical adj. Outside of the domain of logic.
EXTRALOGICAL adj. not guided or determined by considerations of logic.
EXTRAVAGANCEextravagance n. Excessive or superfluous expenditure of money.
extravagance n. Prodigality, as of anger, love, expression, imagination, or demands.
EXTRAVAGANCE n. an instance of excess or prodigality, also EXTRAVAGANCY.
EXTRAVAGANCYextravagancy n. (Archaic, 17-19th centuries) The characteristic of being extravagant.
extravagancy n. (Archaic, 17-19th centuries) A thing that is extravagant.
EXTRAVAGANCY n. an instance of excess or prodigality, also EXTRAVAGANCE.
EXULCERATINGexulcerating v. Present participle of exulcerate.
EXULCERATE v. to ulcerate.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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