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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 12 twelve-letter words containing A, G, O, P and 3S

BOSSNAPPINGSbossnappings n. Plural of bossnapping.
BOSSNAPPING n. kidnapping a company executive as part of industrial action.
GASTROSCOPESgastroscopes n. Plural of gastroscope.
GASTROSCOPE n. an instrument for examining interior of the stomach.
GRASSHOPPERSgrasshoppers n. Plural of grasshopper.
GRASSHOPPER n. a name for various herbivorous jumping insects of the order Orthoptera, related to locusts and crickets, that chirp by rubbing their wing-covers.
HYPOGLOSSALShypoglossals n. Plural of hypoglossal.
HYPOGLOSSAL n. the hypoglossal nerve.
OESOPHAGUSESoesophaguses n. Plural of oesophagus.
OESOPHAGUS n. that portion of the gut which connects the pharynx to the stomach, also ESOPHAGUS.
PASSAGEWORKSpassageworks n. Plural of passagework.
PASSAGEWORK n. music that allows a performer to display virtuosity.
SALPIGLOSSESsalpiglosses n. Plural of salpiglossis.
SALPIGLOSSIS n. any plant of the genus Salpiglossis, some of which bear bright trumpet-shaped flowers.
SALPIGLOSSISsalpiglossis n. Any of several plants, of the genus Salpiglossis]], that have variegated, funnel-shaped blossoms in…
Salpiglossis prop.n. A taxonomic genus within the family Solanaceae – certain flowering plants.
SALPIGLOSSIS n. any plant of the genus Salpiglossis, some of which bear bright trumpet-shaped flowers.
SEISMOGRAPHSseismographs n. Plural of seismograph.
SEISMOGRAPH n. an instrument for recording earthquakes.
SPARROWGRASSsparrowgrass n. (Dialect, nonstandard) Asparagus.
sparrow-grass n. Alternative form of sparrowgrass.
sparrow␣grass n. Alternative form of sparrowgrass.
SUPERORGASMSsuperorgasms n. Plural of superorgasm.
SUPERORGASM n. an extreme orgasm.
TRANSPOSINGStransposings n. Plural of transposing.
TRANSPOSING n. the act of transposition.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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