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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 20 thirteen-letter words containing A, I, L, P, T and 2U

APICULTURISTSapiculturists n. Plural of apiculturist.
APICULTURIST n. a beekeeper.
MULTICAMPUSESSorry, definition not available.
MULTIPLATINUMmultiplatinum adj. (Music) Having exceeded the platinum level of sales on multiple occasions.
OUTMANIPULATEoutmanipulate v. (Transitive) To surpass in manipulation or scheming.
OUTMANIPULATE v. to surpass in manipulation.
OUTPOPULATINGoutpopulating v. Present participle of outpopulate.
OUTPOPULATE v. to surpass in population.
PEDUNCULATIONpedunculation n. The condition of being pedunculate.
pedunculation n. A mass of peduncles.
PEDUNCULATION n. the state of being pedunculate.
PISCICULTURALpiscicultural adj. Pertaining to pisciculture.
PISCICULTURAL adj. relating to pisciculture.
PLATITUDINOUSplatitudinous adj. Characterised by clichés or platitudes.
PLATITUDINOUS adj. characterized by or resembling a platitude, also PLATITUDINAL.
POSTINAUGURALpostinaugural adj. After inauguration.
POSTINAUGURAL adj. taking place after inauguration.
PUNCTUALITIESpunctualities n. Plural of punctuality.
PUNCTUALITY n. the state of being punctual.
PUNCTULATIONSpunctulations n. Plural of punctulation.
PUNCTULATION n. the state of having small spots.
QUADRUPLICATEquadruplicate adj. Having four parts.
quadruplicate adj. Four times over, multiplied by four.
quadruplicate n. In quadruplicate: four times over, in four copies.
QUADRUPLICITYquadruplicity n. A group of four things.
QUADRUPLICITY n. the state of being quadruple.
QUINTUPLICATEquintuplicate adj. Multiplied by five.
quintuplicate adj. Being the fifth in a set of five.
quintuplicate n. A set of five similar or identical things.
SUBPOPULATIONsubpopulation n. A subdivision of a population.
SUBPOPULATION n. an identifiable fraction or subdivision of a population.
SULPHURATIONSsulphurations n. Plural of sulphuration.
SULPHURATION n. the act of sulphurating, also SULFURATION.
UNMANIPULATEDunmanipulated adj. Not manipulated.
UNMANIPULATED adj. not manipulated.
UNPUNCTUALITYunpunctuality n. Not being punctual; lateness.
UNPUNCTUALITY n. lack of punctuality.
UNSPECULATIVEunspeculative adj. Not speculative.
UNSPECULATIVE adj. not speculative.
UNSPIRITUALLYunspiritually adv. In an unspiritual manner.
UNSPIRITUAL adv. not spiritual.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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