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There are 18 fourteen-letter words containing 2A, 2G, 2N and T

AGGIORNAMENTOSaggiornamentos n. Plural of aggiornamento.
AGGIORNAMENTO n. (Italian) the modernization of ideas of the Catholic church.
AGGLUTINATIONSagglutinations n. Plural of agglutination.
AGGLUTINATION n. applied to agglutinated words or languages containing many such words.
AGGRANDISEMENTaggrandisement n. (Britain) Alternative form of aggrandizement.
AGGRANDISEMENT n. the act of aggrandising, also AGGRANDIZEMENT.
AGGRANDIZEMENTaggrandizement n. The act of aggrandizing, or the state of being aggrandized or exalted in power, rank, honor, or wealth;…
AGGRANDIZEMENT n. the act of aggrandizing, also AGGRANDISEMENT.
ANTIAGGRESSIONantiaggression n. The lack or absence of aggression.
ANTIAGGRESSION adj. opposed to aggression.
CONGRATULATINGcongratulating v. Present participle of congratulate.
CONGRATULATE v. to express pleasure in sympathy with.
CONGREGATIONALcongregational adj. Of or pertaining to a congregation.
Congregational adj. Of or pertaining to Congregationalism, Congregationalists or a Congregational church.
CONGREGATIONAL adj. of or relating to a congregation.
DISADVANTAGINGdisadvantaging v. Present participle of disadvantage.
DISADVANTAGE v. to place at a disadvantage.
EXSANGUINATINGexsanguinating v. Present participle of exsanguinate.
EXSANGUINATE v. to drain blood from.
GRANDFATHERINGgrandfathering v. Present participle of grandfather.
grandfathering n. Exemption from new legislation or regulations.
GRANDFATHER v. to exempt (an activity, person, etc.) from a new piece of legislation, restriction or the like.
GRANDSTANDINGSgrandstandings n. Plural of grandstanding.
GRANDSTANDING n. the act of putting on a show, playing to the crowd.
GRANGERISATIONgrangerisation n. The practice of illustrating a book with pictures taken from published sources, such as by clipping…
grangerisation n. A book illustrated by this process.
GRANGERISATION n. the process of grangerising, also GRANGERIZATION.
GRANGERIZATIONgrangerization n. Alternative spelling of grangerisation.
GRANGERIZATION n. the process of grangerizing, also GRANGERISATION.
HAEMAGGLUTININhaemagglutinin n. (British spelling) Alternative spelling of hemagglutinin.
HAEMAGGLUTININ n. a virus, antibody or other agent causing haemagglutination, also HEMAGGLUTININ.
INGRATIATINGLYingratiatingly adv. In an ingratiating manner.
INGRATIATING adv. INGRATIATE, to commend (usually oneself) persuasively to someone's favour.
RANGATIRATANGArangatiratanga n. (New Zealand, Maori) chieftainship; sovereignty.
RANGATIRATANGA n. (Maori) the condition of being a Maori chief.
TRANSMIGRATINGtransmigrating v. Present participle of transmigrate.
TRANSMIGRATE v. to pass from one body or place into another.
UNINGRATIATINGuningratiating adj. Not ingratiating; making no effort to be appealing.
UNINGRATIATING adj. not ingratiating.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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