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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 18 thirteen-letter words containing A, B, D, I, L, O, S and T

ADORABILITIESadorabilities n. Plural of adorability.
ADORABILITY n. the state of being adorable.
ADSORBABILITYadsorbability n. A measure of the degree to which a material is capable of adsorption.
ADSORBABILITY n. the ability to be adsorbed.
BIOPESTICIDALbiopesticidal adj. Of or pertaining to biopesticides.
BIOPESTICIDAL adj. of or like a biopesticide.
BOATBUILDINGSboatbuildings n. Plural of boatbuilding.
BOATBUILDING n. the industry of building boats.
DEBILITATIONSdebilitations n. Plural of debilitation.
DEBILITATION n. the act of debilitating.
DELIBERATIONSdeliberations n. Plural of deliberation.
DELIBERATION n. the act of deliberating.
DESOBLIGEANTEDESOBLIGEANTE n. a carriage for one passenger.
DIABETOLOGISTdiabetologist n. A physician whose speciality is diabetology.
DIABETOLOGIST n. a doctor specializing in the study and treatment of diabetes and the care of diabetics.
DISOBLIGATIONdisobligation n. The act of disobliging.
disobligation n. A disobliging act; an offence.
disobligation n. Release from obligation.
DISOBLIGATORYdisobligatory adj. (Obsolete) Releasing from obligation.
DISOBLIGATORY adj. releasing from disobligation.
DISPOSABILITYdisposability n. (Rare) The property of being disposable.
DISPOSABILITY n. the state of being disposable.
MOLDABILITIESMOLDABILITY n. the quality of being moldable, also MOULDABILITY.
ODONTOBLASTICodontoblastic adj. Relating to odontoblasts.
ODONTOBLASTIC adj. of or like an odontoblast, a tooth cell in the surface of dental pulp that produces dentine.
ROADABILITIESROADABILITY n. the qualities, such as steadiness and balance, desirable in an automobile on the road.
SCROBICULATEDscrobiculated adj. Alternative form of scrobiculate.
SCROBICULATED adj. marked with many shallow depressions, grooves, or pits, also SCROBICULATE.
SOLDERABILITYsolderability n. The quality or degree of being solderable.
SOLDERABILITY n. the state of being solderable.
SUBORDINATELYsubordinately adv. In a subordinate manner.
SUBORDINATE adv. subservient.
UNMETABOLISEDunmetabolised adj. Alternative spelling of unmetabolized.
UNMETABOLISED adj. not metabolised, also UNMETABOLIZED.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 110 words
  • Scrabble in French: 40 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: 84 words
  • Scrabble in Italian: 44 words
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 44 words

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