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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing B, 2L, 2O and Y

BALLYHOOINGballyhooing v. Present participle of ballyhoo.
BALLYHOO v. to promote by uproar.
BIOSOCIALLYbiosocially adv. In a biosocial context.
BIOSOCIAL adv. relating to the interaction of the biological aspects and social relationships of living organisms.
BLOODGUILTYbloodguilty adj. Guilty of murder or bloodshed.
BLOODGUILTY adj. guilty of shedding blood.
BLOODLESSLYbloodlessly adv. In a bloodless manner.
BLOODLESS adv. without blood.
BRYOLOGICALbryological adj. Of or pertaining to bryology.
BRYOLOGICAL adj. relating to the study of mosses and liverworts.
DIABOLOLOGYDIABOLOLOGY n. the study of devils, also DIABOLOGY.
LABORIOUSLYlaboriously adv. With great expenditure of effort, in a manner requiring much labor.
LABORIOUS adv. full of labour.
OBLIVIOUSLYobliviously adv. In an oblivious manner.
OBLIVIOUS adv. forgetful.
PYROBALLOGYpyroballogy n. (Weaponry, obsolete, rare) The study of artillery; the practice of using artillery as a weapon.
PYROBALLOGY n. the study of artillery.
ROBOTICALLYrobotically adv. In a robotic (or robotical) fashion.
ROBOTIC adv. relating to a robot.
SYMBOLOLOGYsymbolology n. Alternative form of symbology.
SYMBOLOLOGY n. the study of symbols, also SYMBOLOGY.
TROUBLOUSLYtroublously adv. In a troublous manner.
TROUBLOUS adv. (archaic) troublesome.
WOOLLYBACKSwoollybacks n. Plural of woollyback.
woolly␣backs n. Plural of woolly back.
WOOLLYBACK n. (colloquial) a country bumpkin.
WOOLLYBUTTSwoollybutts n. Plural of woollybutt.
WOOLLYBUTT n. a kind of eucalyptus with fibrous bark.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 61 words
  • Scrabble in French: 2 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: 2 words

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