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List of 11-letter words containing

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There are 14 eleven-letter words containing B, E, 3I, O and T

BIOETHICISTbioethicist n. An expert in bioethics.
BIOETHICIST n. a practitioner of bioethics, the study of the ethical problems produced by medical research etc.
BIOMIMETICSbiomimetics n. The study of the structure and function of living things as models for the creation of materials or…
BIOMIMETICS n. the science of deriving useful structures and processes from the study of natural parallels e.g. Velcro from plant burrs.
BISOCIATIVEBISOCIATIVE adj. relating to bisociation, the association of an object with two or more ideas.
DUBIOSITIESdubiosities n. Plural of dubiosity.
DUBIOSITY n. the state of being doubtful.
EBIONITISMSEbionitisms n. Plural of Ebionitism.
EBIONITISM n. the system or doctrine of the Ebionites.
EBRIOSITIESEBRIOSITY n. addiction to drink; habitual drunkenness.
ERODIBILITYerodibility n. The quality or degree of being erodible.
ERODIBILITY n. the capacity to be eroded.
EXHIBITIONSexhibitions n. Plural of exhibition.
EXHIBITION n. an act or instance of exhibiting.
GIBBOSITIESgibbosities n. Plural of gibbosity.
GIBBOSITY n. the state of being gibbose, of a moon, between half and full.
IMPROBITIESimprobities n. Plural of improbity.
IMPROBITY n. dishonesty.
INEBRIATIONinebriation n. The state or characteristic of drunkenness.
INEBRIATION n. drunkenness.
MORBIDITIESmorbidities n. Plural of morbidity.
MORBIDITY n. the condition or state of being diseased, or being caused by disease.
OBLIQUITIESobliquities n. Plural of obliquity.
OBLIQUITY n. the state of being oblique.
PROHIBITIVEprohibitive adj. Tending to prohibit, preclude, or disallow.
prohibitive adj. Costly to the extreme; beyond budget.
prohibitive adj. (Of a contender in a competition): presumptive winner, likely winner.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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