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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 13 twelve-letter words containing B, E, 2N, 2S and T

ABSTINENCIESabstinencies n. Plural of abstinency.
ABSTINENCY n. voluntary forbearance esp. from indulgence of an appetite, also ABSTINENCE.
ANTIBUSINESSantibusiness adj. Opposed to or biased against business, or private enterprise.
ANTIBUSINESS adj. opposed to business.
BONDSERVANTSbondservants n. Plural of bondservant.
BONDSERVANT n. a slave.
BURNISHMENTSburnishments n. Plural of burnishment.
BURNISHMENT n. the act of burnishing.
DISBANDMENTSdisbandments n. Plural of disbandment.
DISBANDMENT n. the act of disbanding.
INDEBTEDNESSindebtedness n. State of owing money; being in debt.
indebtedness n. The state of owing something or being under obligation to someone.
indebtedness n. The amount owed.
STUBBORNNESSstubbornness n. The state of being stubborn.
STUBBORNNESS n. the state of being stubborn.
SUBSENTENCESsubsentences n. Plural of subsentence.
SUBSENTENCE n. part of a sentence.
SUBTENANCIESsubtenancies n. Plural of subtenancy.
SUBTENANCY n. the state of being a subtenant, one who rents a tenement, or land, etc.
TANGIBLENESStangibleness n. The characteristic of being tangible.
TANGIBLENESS n. the state of being tangible.
TENSIBLENESSTENSIBLENESS n. the state of being tensible.
UNSTABLENESSunstableness n. The quality of being unstable; instability.
UNSTABLENESS n. the state of being unstable.
VINBLASTINESvinblastines n. Plural of vinblastine.
VINBLASTINE n. a cytotoxic alkaloid obtained from the Madagascar periwinkle, and used to treat lymphomas and other cancers.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the WikWik.org and 1Word.ws.

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