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List of 13-letter words containing

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There are 17 thirteen-letter words containing F, L, R, 2S and Y

COMFORTLESSLYcomfortlessly adv. In a comfortless manner.
COMFORTLESS adv. without comfort.
DISTRESSFULLYdistressfully adv. In a distressful way; showing distress.
DISTRESSFUL adv. causing distress.
DISTRUSTFULLYdistrustfully adv. In a distrustful manner.
DISTRUSTFUL adv. having or showing distrust.
FIBRINOLYSINSfibrinolysins n. Plural of fibrinolysin.
FIBRINOLYSIN n. any of several proteolytic enzymes that promote the dissolution of blood clots.
FISSIPAROUSLYfissiparously adv. In a fissiparous manner.
FISSIPAROUS adv. producing new biological units or individuals by fission, as with most strains of bacteria.
FORESTAYSAILSforestaysails n. Plural of forestaysail.
FORESTAYSAIL n. the sail attached to a forestay.
HALFSERIOUSLYHALFSERIOUSLY adv. in a partially joking way.
MISTRUSTFULLYmistrustfully adv. In a mistrustful manner.
MISTRUSTFUL adv. not trusting.
MYELOFIBROSESmyelofibroses n. Plural of myelofibrosis.
MYELOFIBROSIS n. an anemic condition in which bone marrow becomes fibrotic.
MYELOFIBROSISmyelofibrosis n. Collagen deposition by fibroblasts in the bone marrow, whether primary or secondary to other causes…
MYELOFIBROSIS n. an anemic condition in which bone marrow becomes fibrotic.
PESTIFEROUSLYpestiferously adv. In a pestiferous manner.
PESTIFEROUS adv. bringing plague or pestilence.
PRAYERFULNESSprayerfulness n. The state or quality of being prayerful.
PRAYERFUL n. given to prayer.
RECLASSIFYINGreclassifying v. Present participle of reclassify.
RECLASSIFY v. to classify again.
SOMNIFEROUSLYsomniferously adv. In a somniferous way.
SOMNIFEROUS adv. causing sleep.
SULFONYLUREASsulfonylureas n. Plural of sulfonylurea.
SULFONYLUREA n. any of several hypoglycemic compounds related to the sulfonamides and used in the oral treatment of diabetes.
SUPERFLUOUSLYsuperfluously adv. In a superfluous manner.
SUPERFLUOUS adv. extraneous.
TRANSFUSIVELYTRANSFUSIVE adv. tending or having power to transfuse.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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See this list for:

  • English Wiktionary: 69 words
  • Scrabble in French: 4 words
  • Scrabble in Spanish: no word
  • Scrabble in Italian: no word
  • Scrabble in German: no word
  • Scrabble in Romanian: no word

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