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List of 12-letter words containing

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There are 20 twelve-letter words containing G, I, L, S, U and V

DIVULGATIONSdivulgations n. Plural of divulgation.
DIVULGATION n. the act of divulgating.
DIVULGEMENTSDIVULGEMENT n. the act of divulging.
GRISEOFULVINgriseofulvin n. (Pharmacology) An antifungal drug C17H17ClO6 obtained from the mold Penicillium griseofulvum, used in…
GRISEOFULVIN n. an oral antibiotic used as a treatment for fungal infections of the skin and hair.
LABOURSAVINGLABOURSAVING adj. reducing (human) effort, hard work, or labour, also LABORSAVING.
OVERINDULGESoverindulges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of overindulge.
over-indulges v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of over-indulge.
OVERINDULGE v. to indulge to excess.
QUACKSALVINGquacksalving adj. Falsely claiming to possess medical or other skills, like a quacksalver.
QUACKSALVING adj. (obsolete) like a quacksalver, a charlatan.
SUGGESTIVELYsuggestively adv. In a suggestive manner.
SUGGESTIVE adv. giving a suggestion.
TRANSVALUINGtransvaluing v. Present participle of transvalue.
TRANSVALUE v. to reestimate the value of, esp. on a basis differing from the accepted standard, also TRANSVALUATE.
UNDISSOLVINGundissolving adj. That does not dissolve.
UNDISSOLVING adj. not dissolving.
UNLOVINGNESSunlovingness n. Quality of being unloving.
UNLOVINGNESS n. the state of being unloving.
UNRAVELLINGSunravellings n. Plural of unravelling.
UNRAVELLING n. the act of unravelling.
UNSWERVINGLYunswervingly adv. Without deviation; not swerving.
UNSWERVING adv. not swerving or turning aside.
UNVULGARISEDunvulgarised v. Simple past tense and past participle of unvulgarise.
UNVULGARISE v. to make not vulgar, also UNVULGARIZE.
UNVULGARISESunvulgarises v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unvulgarise.
UNVULGARISE v. to make not vulgar, also UNVULGARIZE.
UNVULGARIZESunvulgarizes v. Third-person singular simple present indicative form of unvulgarize.
UNVULGARIZE v. to make not vulgar, also UNVULGARISE.
VAINGLORIOUSvainglorious adj. With excessive vanity or unwarranted pride.
VAINGLORIOUS adj. marked by vainglory, excessive pride, esp. in one's achievements or abilities.
VESICULATINGvesiculating v. Present participle of vesiculate.
VESICULATE v. to become vesicular.
VIRTUALISINGvirtualising v. Present participle of virtualise.
VIRTUALISE v. to make virtual, also VIRTUALIZE.

Scrabble words — in black are valid world wide — in RED are not valid in North America — in GREEN are valid only in North America.
Definitions are short excerpt from the 1Word.ws and WikWik.org.

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